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iService is a static analysis framework to detect confused deputies in system services in AppleOS. Specifically, It resolves Objective-C Messages using the top-down type propagation and performs data dependence analysis to identify input validations of sensitive operations. iService discovered 11 confused deputies, of which 5 were 0-day bugs with CVE numbers assigned.

The overview of iService

As a static analysis framework, iService can also analyze other binaries written in Objective-C. For example, it can perform taint analysis for iOS Apps after modifying and extending detection policies.

The paper "iService: Detecting and Evaluating the Impact of Confused Deputy Problem in AppleOS" is published on ACSAC'22.



  1. IDA Pro 7.4+ with Hexray, therefore Microcode (i.e., the IR of IDA) is valid
  2. Python 3.6+ with packages in src/requirement.txt
  3. Docker to deploy databases, details according to db/docker-compose.yml
  4. Node.js for parallel running parallel/work.js

To set up the environment, run the following commands:

  1. cd src and run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install the packages required for python3
  2. cd db and run docker-compose up -d to start the databases.

Note: in the paper, we use IDA 7.5 and Python 3.8.

Structure of implementation

The implementation of iService (i.e., iService/src) contains the following parts:

  • rules: Records pre-defined information in yaml, such as sensitive operations and their key parameters.
  • libs: Implement functions required for further analysis, such as generating IDA Microcodes, and encoding and decoding dataflow summaries.
  • models: Define models for Code Property Graph (CPG) in Neo4j and metadata in SQL, and transform binary analysis result into databases.
  • visitors: Implement several visitors to parse Microcode.
  • entries: Identify XPC and NSXPC entry points in services.
  • sinks: Locate sensitive operations in CPG.
  • Perform intra-procedural analysis based on visitors.
  • Perform inter-procedural analysis based on the above files.
  • Build CPG in Neo4j graph database, and connect dataflow for further analysis.

The following three files are used to run iService:

  • Parse binaries of services and frameworks, then dump analysis results in Pickle format
  • Commit analysis results into Neo4j database and build CPG in it.
  • Extract permission checks and input validations based on database queries.

We also provide a test case in iService/cases/10.15.7. You'd better put your target files in such structure folder for parallel usage:

  • Folder os contains binaries collected from Apple OS, where their paths are maintained.
  • Folder services and frameworks contains the i64 files of collected binaries generated by IDA.
  • Folder pkls contains Pickle files generated by
  • Folder logs contains logs generated by iService.

Commands to run

As described above, there are three files to run iService, i.e., src/, src/, and src/ Here, we give two ways to run them, i.e., using Node.js parallel script and using IDA commands directly.

1. Using Node.js parallel script

COMMAND: Assume you have cd iService before, then, you can just run the following command: node parallel/work.js '$path/to/i64s' '$file $opt' '$path/to/log'

This command will parallelly execute the file on selected i64s.

EXAMPLE: Take CVE-2021-30774 in iService/cases as an example, you can run the following four commands to finish the analysis:

# Step 1: Parse the services
node parallel/work.js 'cases/10.15.7/services' ' service' 'cases/10.15.7/log/log_1'
# Step 2: Parse the frameworks used by the services
node parallel/work.js 'cases/10.15.7/frameworks' ' framework' 'cases/10.15.7/log/log_2'
# Step 3: Commit CPG of services and frameworks to database
node parallel/work.js 'cases/10.15.7/services' '' 'cases/10.15.7/log/log_3'
# Step 4: Extract protections of senstive operations
node parallel/work.js 'cases/10.15.7/services' '' 'cases/10.15.7/log/log_4'

In this example, you can put all service binaries under cases/10.15.7/services and all framework binaries under cases/10.15.7/frameworks, then run iService using this parallel script.

2. Using IDA commands

The IDA commands are a little longer due to the absolute path required. For example, to run on osanalyticshelper.i64, the IDA command is: ida64 -A -S"/path/to/ service" -L"/path/to/log/test.log" "/path/to/osanalyticshelper.i64"

The details of IDA commands are referred to "IDA Help: Command line switches"

3. Dive into CVE-2021-30774

To demonstrate the effectiveness of iService, we use CVE-2021-30774 as an example (related binary are given in the cases folder). The critical code snippet is depicted in the figure follows and details are discussed in the motivating example in the paper.

CVE-2021-30774 details

Using node.js parallel script step by step:

  • After Steps 1 and 2: service and framework binaries are analyzed with functions' abstract dumped in cases/10.15.7/pkls
  • After Step 3: those functions are committed to the Neo4j graph database.
    • Visit the URL at http://localhost:7474/ (the username is neo4j, and the password is j4one ) and then switch to the database osanalyticshelper, we can see that the graph of this service contains 4,608 nodes with 12,414 relations.
    • We can also query path among nodes to learn data dependence among variables, e.g., MATCH (a:gLocalVar {vid:'+[OSASystemConfiguration ensureConformanceOfFile:]$2'}), (b:gLocalVar {vid:'sub_10000281F$1'}), path = shortestpath((a)-[:DATA_DEP|COME_FROM*]->(b)) RETURN path ORDER BY LENGTH(path) DESC LIMIT 1.
    • By executing the above query command, we can get the inter-procedural dataflow from the external input to the key parameter of the sensitive operation.
CVE-2021-30774 details
  • After Step 4: you can see results in cases/10.15.7/log/log_4 as follows:

    [*] Get ipc sources and sop sinks
    [*] Get reachable dataflow
    Reachable dataflow: sub_10000281F$1, -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$0
    Reachable dataflow: sub_10000281F$1, -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$1
    Reachable dataflow: sub_10000281F$1, _fchown$0
    Reachable dataflow: sub_10000281F$1, _fchmod$0
    [*] Get input validations
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$0, _xpc_get_type
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$0, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$0, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$0, -[UNKNOWN length]
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$1, _xpc_get_type
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$1, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$1, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]$1, -[UNKNOWN length]
    [*] Find input validation: _fchown$0, _xpc_get_type
    [*] Find input validation: _fchown$0, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: _fchown$0, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: _fchown$0, -[UNKNOWN length]
    [*] Find input validation: _fchmod$0, _xpc_get_type
    [*] Find input validation: _fchmod$0, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: _fchmod$0, _os_log_type_enabled
    [*] Find input validation: _fchmod$0, -[UNKNOWN length]
    [*] Permission check base found: dict_items([('sub_10000281F$3_0', '_xpc_connection_get_pid')])

    From the result, we can know it's a confused deputy since it lacks proper permission checks and input validations. Specifically:

    • Four reachable dataflow are found, and for each flow, iService prints the start and the ends:
      • sub_10000281F$1 refers to IPC input which is the second parameter of function sub_10000281F
      • _fchown$0 refers to the first parameter of the sensitive operation _fchown
      • The dataflow from sub_10000281F$1 to _fchown$0 means the IPC input may control the key parameter of the sensitive operation.
    • Since this service only uses PID for permission check (i.e., _xpc_connect_get_pid ), it can be bypassed.
    • Further, the input validations have no string-specific restriction for the string type input, which allows attackers to control the source and target files of the sensitive operations.
  • The following figure shows a possible exploit method for this vulnerability. Specifically, by downgrading the permission of the system file etc/pam.d/sudo and modifying it, the attacker can obtain root privilege.

CVE-2021-30774 details


If any components or methods of iService are useful in your research, please cite the following paper:

  title={iService: Detecting and Evaluating the Impact of Confused Deputy Problem in AppleOS},
  author={Wang, Yizhuo and Hu, Yikun and Xiao, Xuangan and Gu, Dawu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference},


iService: Detecting and Evaluating the Impact of Confused Deputy Problem in AppleOS (ACSAC'22)







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